In this project, We used WordPress for building blocks, WooCommerce for the e-commerce store, MailChimp for contact, etc. We completed this project with 2-developers and one designer.
MerchShark is an E-commerce website where you can find the unique character of products. This website contains 14 pages, over 100 categories, and over 1200 products. We use 37 plugins for completing this website. Building the website used 11 plugins, 15 for Marketing, and 11 for speed optimization.
- Pages: home, cart, checkout, shop, contact, blog, etc
- Building block plugins: Woocommerce, ajax search, boots sale, contact form7 and MailChimp’s
- Marketing: Yoast SEO, pixel your site, Link Whisper, Back to store notify andetc.
- Speed: WP-rocket, Smush pro, WebP converter.